Ready to get out of your own way?

Session Container

I am here to support people who are committed to their self growth and awakening, who are driven by the desire to be the highest version of themselves and be on their highest timeline. Every session with me is designed to help you recognize that you are the Creator of your reality and only when you take responsibility for what you have created can you dismantle it and create something new. This is the path to change and in this sacred container with me, change can be instantaneous.

Sessions are intuitively guided and our work involves diving deep into unconscious blocks, breaking down old patterns that no longer serve and powerfully rewiring your neurology to create exactly the life you desire!


Release the Blocks

Let’s liberate you from negative thought forms, emotions and belief systems that are keeping you from acting from a place of choice. We go back to the root - when the problem arrived in your life for the very first time.


Create Your Vision

If you do not have a clear, detailed vision of what you want from this life, what you want from each day on this earth, the Universe will fill up your life with things you may or may not truly desire. You are a Creator Being with immense creative potential and it is your birthright to create what your heart deeply longs for.


Take Empowered Action

You have to take action and participate! Because life is about living on the edge, taking risks and becoming all that you can be. True magic is in taking action, however small and living in the realm of possibility and this is exactly what you are ready for once you have cleared your blocks and created your vision!

"Everyday I am reminded of the lessons you helped me learn during the most mentally difficult year of my life and because of that I am a survivor"


Areas of Life


Here we address unfulfilled career or challenges in getting resources, money, abundance. What are you willing and ready to release today to invite your most fulfilling career and incredible abundance into you life?


Unfulfilling intimate relationships? How supportive are your friendships? Are you ready to call in your soul mate and aligned friendships into your life?

Personal Development

What is the quality of your relationship with yourself today? Are you showing up in an empowered, courageous way in your life? Release anything that is blocking you from knowing the real, authentic you and step into your highest potential.


How connected are you with your higher self, with a higher power? How easily does guidance flow in? We are heading into a new world where our relationship with our higher self will be the guiding force in our lives - are you ready?

Let me help you become the most empowered you