What is healing and why bother with it??

As we have all been hearing, physical ailments and disease first shows up in the emotional and mental body and eventually trickle down to the physical body. So then it is fair to say that all humans need healing because countless number of humans are walking around with dis-ease filled mental and emotional bodies - basically we all need healing and healing is a life long journey. Just like peeling the layers of an onion, you heal one layer and the next layer is waving its hand wildly saying Im here, Im here, Im next in line, heal me 😄

Why are we walking around with dis-ease filled emotional and mental bodies - because no one taught us how important it is to deal with every emotion we have, the so called “good” ones and especially the “bad” ones like anger as our most exquisite, precious, most valuable friends!! And everyone taught us a whole bunch of ridiculous beliefs that we carry around in our mental bodies (our mind) like God given absolute truths.

Do you supress your emotions and carry strong yet unhelpful beliefs? Then boy, are you in trouble 😳 and so are millions of your earthly brothers and sisters! I include myself in this vast majority and having embarked on an epic healing journey, I realized much to my shock that pretty much most things I was taught were absolute bullshit.


How do you go about healing?


The Becoming